Last weekend it was Hurley Classic and, as it was my first year, I was really looking forward to it. The day started with a fairly cold Sunday morning and a long trek down a muddy hill, thankfully without falling over, to get the the wave. When we got to the wave it was a strange looking 3 gates – thanks to a high pool level, which came up to 4 for the competition.

Tea Tent and Boats
I was the only junior girl there and one of only four women, so I was though to the superfinal just by turning up! They had divided al the paddlers up in to around 8 heats. I was in the 5th heat which gave me plenty of time to walk back up and down the hill several times and cheer everyone else on.
The heat runs were ‘jam sessions’ with around 8 paddlers on the water and going on the wave with no set time. There were 15 minutes for each jam session so everyone got time to perform as many tricks as they could. Unfortunately I didn’t do that well in the heats, only scoring a flat spin, but I still was through to the final against the three senior women.
By the time it was the final for the women (we were on second to last) it was cold. I couldn’t feel my hands waiting for my runs and, judging by the looks on everyones faces, they weren’t too warm either. I had better runs this time. They haven’t put the scores up yet but I think I scored at least two enders and a flat spin both sides.

Getting a good run certainly made me forget the cold water, off the water I was actually pretty toasty in thermals and dry kit, unlike some boys who tried to man it up in shorts and stood around shivering!
As for the results; I came first in the junior women’s (and last as well!). I was also entered in the senior ladies and came 2nd to current European and British champion Flea.

Flea making it look easy
Massive well done to everyone who took part and thanks to all the organisers for organising such a great event.
I’m taking a couple of weeks off paddling now, until after Christmas when I’ll be at the freestyle get together Palm team paddler Lowri has organised for the 27th at Llangollen.
Have a great holiday and see you on the water
I’ve always fancied a paddle in the glaciers and fjords of Patagonia – that long cold place down south, with cuddly fleeces named after it. The pleasure of kayaking is simple for me – its an escape from wheels and tarmac. I’m paralysed from the chest down, and there’s nothing more freeing than being out on the water. Sea kayaking is what I do most of, mainly because without any muscles that work below the chest, I have appauling balance and behave much like jelly. Its taken a while to paddle a single kayak and stay upright, but off to Patagonia in January, and have chosen to go double, in expectation of ferocious winds.
The plan? Hmmm – not clear yet, but basically to paddle south, through islands and fjords towards Laguna San Rafael where the glacier carves into the sea. There’ll be a small film crew along, making a documentary for BBC tv, about us kayaking there – the winds, the wobbles, the leeches…and the general adventure, whatever unfolds. I’ll be leaving my wheelchair behind for the duration, so it should be suitably bizarre TV to watch me bumming around the rainforest, and in and out of the kayak. I’ll be paddling with my partner, Andy Kirkpatrick, better known for his climbing exploits and a beginner to sea kayaking. There’s only the two of us, and as yet, apart from some great Palm gear coming our way, we’re feeling a bit unprepared. Nothing Christmas won’t solve.
Watch this space…

Palm Kinetic Paddle Jacket
The winner of the Palm Kinetic Paddle Jacket at Gene17′s APWE was Lee Renton from Dorset.
Congratulations Lee, let us know here which size and colour you’d like and we’ll post it out to you today!
Vast amounts of paddlers rocked up at the River Dart Country Park this weekend for Gene 17′s Adventure Paddlers Weekend, and what a weekend it was!

The lack of rain and subzero temperatures certainly didn’t put anyone off – the bunkhouse was booked out and all three carparks were rammed all weekend. Saturday started early for team Palm with a dawn raid on the Upper Dart in the Dagger Greens (we had to make sure we’d be able to manage the race course without getting too nailed!).
With the number of pins in single figures we decided an extra metre of boat over the competition probably wasn’t cheating too much and, after a speed run of the Loop with good uni friends, we headed back to Dartmeet. Luckily the race went well and the long boats sailed to victory. Definitely cheating!

Simon Westgarth on the road to a hollow victory!
That evening we were treated to showings of 80′s German classic Family Mad and an awe inspiring documentary following Ben Brown (check out his new site below) and Steve Fisher’s trip to Iceland. After the films Graham Milton did his best to disuade anyone from visiting Greenland in a fantastic presentation about his summer kayaking-come-hiking trip.

Bob Campbell giving out prizes in the raffle
With bleary eyes Sunday was another early start with a mad dash down the Upper to get to ‘the mad mile’ to catch the light and do a photoshoot for the new Immersion Suits. The light was incredible and we got some great shots, thanks Paul! Watch this space but until then here’s a taster….

Sara James in the new Element Suit

Not quite a high five...

Ed rockspats in the new Torrent Suit
Many thanks to Simon Westgarth for organising yet another successful weekend, to Ewart from AS Watersports, to our pap Paul Wilkinson for keeping up with us running down the footpath loaded with camera kit and to everyone else who helped us out over the weekend.
As always the Mamba and Nomad demos were extremely popular; the winner of the Palm paddle top will be announced on the Gene 17 site in a few days.
Hi Guys,
After many months of hard work the new is live! Drop in to check out tall tales, images and video from the adventures around the globe.
Ben Brown

This weekend at the River Dart Country Park, UK, Team D paddler Simon Westgarth from Gene 17 presents a weekend of paddling, lectures and films. It’s always a cracking weekend and a good chance to paddle with old mates and get inspiration for the next trip.
The Palm bus is loaded and we’re looking forward to a chance to catch up with the team paddlers and go for a boat! Demo boats are free all weekend and, because it’s nearly Christmas, take a demo boat out over the weekend and we’ll add your details to a prize draw to win either a Palm Kinetic or Lara paddle top. Other than that, Team Palm/Dagger paddlers Simon Westgarth, Matt Tidy and Ed Smith will be out and about in their new Palm Stikine and Torrent suits and we’ll have the new Axiom prototype to have a go in.
See you there!