Scottish Canoe Symposium 2012
The Canoe Symposium moves around the UK on a tri-annual basis and this year it was Scotland’s turn to host the array of canoeists that come to these events.
I was one of the organising team and responsible for ensuring that we had a good selection of coaches and workshops to keep everyone happy and engaged.
This ranged from sailing sessions to rolling to guided trips as well as some paddling making. Everyone was please with their activities and extra sessions were available on demand.
Evening time involved some beer and presentations on trips at home and abroad. Paddlers were inspired and chat ranged onto future trips and expeditions. Still leaving time for some beer and the whiskey seemed to go down a treat as well.
This event also some time for Jules and I to get out wearing the new Kaikoura BA. With a slightly improved cut and some new additions for us it looks like we have another bit of great kit to aid us on our trips. More detailed review to follow once I have had a few trips out in it.
Look forward to next years event in North Wales.
- Team Palm ~ Dave & Jules
- Dave out checking on the team.