Can I have mine in blue?

Do you know what the ISO test is? How is fabric waterproofness measured? Is breathability in paddling gear really relevant. Will Kevlar® socks really stop a bullet? These questions and more will get answered at the end of January when we bring our head designer Barney Caulfield to the inaugural Gene 17 River Source Symposium.

He’ll be fresh off the back of Palm’s annual design week and no doubt buzzing with new ideas from planning our ranges for 2013, 2014 and beyond. So what better chance to get a unique glimpse into how Palm go about the whole process from product concept to manufacture – oh and its free, yes FREE!

But it’s not just about us showing off how we make stuff – although we’ll have a load of new gear on show ;) Making the right kit choices can massively increase the enjoyment and success of you or your groups days out. Barney will be guiding from inside out so you understand how to get the most from your paddling gear and how to choose the right stuff.

Its a unique opportunity, but you’ll need to book so for a place on Barney’s gear seminar go here.

To start with a little background, here’s Barney at last years Kanumesse talking about the revolutionary new Spark suit

Palm’s New ‘SPARK’ suit – coming Spring 2012 from James Bebbington on Vimeo.
