Pics from Spitzbergen

posted by on 2010.08.18, under Sea, Touring

After a 3 weeks successful expedition around the north west corner of Spitzbergen our camera is as loaded of megapixels as our heads of  impressions and new experience. Weather changes fast, wind is strong and the trip could have taken a month. By turning night into day (paddling and sleeping when possible…) we managed to cover 550K in 16 days. That including a 30K “kayak hiking”- crossing a glacier with our boats. Here is a taste of the adventure:

14 polarbears… some close to the camp and had to be scared away with flare-guns. These two friendly sweeties were just passing by…

The majestic Mittag Leffner-glacier had to be crossed – or we had to return and paddle 450K back…

12hrs of hard work crossing morains and glacier rivers, to get on to the high point.

Down the Ragnarglacier was like walking the dog.

Rafting down a dirty glacier-river for 6 hrs was much better than to carry all the gear down the moraine (would be a 2 days struggle). And off course we were were dry and comfortable in our suits.

At last we reached the Billefjord and continued the trip.

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