Crana o Rama!

posted by on 2012.11.05, under Whitewater

Well what a time it was at the Crana River festival and

Boater X in lovely Buncrana, Northern Ireland. It was set up

by Adrian and his team at Just last weekend.

We had good people, good weather, great water released

from the dam and a super stretch of river. All together

making a recipe for an amazing few days on the water.

Shane from progressive distribution brought up all the

Dagger toys for folks to play setting Saturday up for clinics

ranging from safety and rescue with Palm Equipment’s Big

Kahuna Dave Rosseter, intermediate and advanced skills

with Benny Cullen and myself. Forward paddling expertise

with the paddle legend himself Jim Morrisey and The ladies

clinics from Chargers and Charlies Angels Kim Siekerman

and Laura Griffin.

It was like a big party on the water and we

were really lucky to have fun and interested people attending

the clinics which were free with your race entry.:-D.

The race series went off without a hitch. There was slalom,

down river, freestyle and Boater X for all levels of kayaker.

The advanced boater X made for exciting watching as the

course dropped over a steep double drop as if you were

entering the Roman Coliseum with folks cheering and

watching some off the planned lines having to be re chosen

with mixed results.The Boater x course was really fun. There

were different starting places on the river to cater for all

levels on the day.

After the Boater X we had a Palm throw bag Olympics with

a mob of crazed throwbaggers skipping through all of the

tasks with their hot skills.

It was a great weekend that did an amazing job of including

all levels of paddles and a huge age range. Well done

to Adrian and his crew @ for looking after

everyone so well and a huge thanks to all the participants for

bringing such good vibes and energy to the days. This event

is now a well established event on the Irish racing calendar.

Don’t miss out next October when it all happens again.

Catch you on the water soon,

Dave Carroll

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