The GB Ladies: Back in the Raft (and the gym).
Well after our most excellent time in the Czech Republic for our Euro Champs Coach Dave said we were allowed 2 weeks to do whatever we liked!! In our meeting just before we drove home we all pretty much agreed that we would not change much, keep training and generally carry on as before despite what he said…that lasted all of 5 minute. Our drive there had been full of healthy food high in protein and vegetable matter, the return journey was the complete opposite. Fran managed to get through a good few bags of Haribo, Bry and Alli tucked into Pizza and the whole Pope Mobile Crew had fish and chips on the ferry on the way back. We had a lovely couple of weeks off but were all soon chomping at the bit to get back on it and into training.

Fun at CT
Our training weekend was moved to Wales at the last minute due to a pesky little freestyle event being held in Nottingham! But thanks to the great guys at the Canolfan Tryweryn we had a brilliant day on the Saturday easing ourselves back in. Coach Dave got us doing fun things down the river (mainly spinning around alot and making a nuisance of ourselves), good thing too as it took most of us the morning to remember exactly how to do it all!

Just keep spinning, just keep spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning.
Day two was back to business though. An early bird session on the lake at Llyn Padarn kicked us all into gear, with the raft feeling powerful and in tune. We did lots of swapping sides so we don’t end up too wonky and it felt great to be doing hard sessions which made us work.
We then went over to Coach Daves house for a champion breakfast of Bacon, eggs and beans and poured over video footage of our techniques. After we all became sufficiently neurotic about that Dave said we were heading over to Plas Menai for a Gym session. Its amazing having a coach who is a fitness instructor as well…

Suzie "If I don't make eye contact no one will ever know that Nerys is hiding in my HUGE trousers"

We all had a great weekend, Bring on October. As Coach Dave says someone else says “Champions are made in the winter”.
Words by Fran Kohn
Photos by Rosie, Dave and Everyone.
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