Before this weekend had even started, we knew it was going to be epic. We were going to be down two members of our squad leaving us with only 5 to train with on Saturday, and 5 on a raft usually means lots of going around in circles. We needed a 6th paddler, and with Coach Dave not wanting to get his hair wet ( ) our friend Kim from one of the youth teams stepped up and valiantly filled the place! We had the first warm, sunny training day we had had for months on the Saturday morning and we were all ready to soak up the sun!!
One of the Youth Men’s teams joined us for some team development and we put them through their paces as we did 2 endurance sets down the Dee from Horse Shoe falls to Trevor.

Showing the Youth team how to warm up properly (and look like an idiot in public – a very important skill!)
The sun disappeared quickly but our determination didn’t. With Sunday came rain and lots of it, but also some lovely new presents from Palm!!

Nerys models our lovely new Wairoa Neo-flex Tops, Energy Strides and BEAUTIFUL rash vests, whilst Rosie does her best impression of a crazy person!!
Winter had definitely returned but we were so warm in our fab new bits of gear. Check out the tight leg wear!! It is compulsory for rafting by the way, and we love it

Quote of the weekend from Nerys ‘I love these strides they fit so well its like rafting in my leggings!’ – she wasn’t even paid to say that!
Maybe we were a bit too warm… Coach Dave had us doing 4 sets of stepped sprints again against the wind and the rain in the morning on the Conwy. This time we had only 5 of us so we rotated around the raft and into the rest position. Even with only 4 paddling at one time we felt powerful and balanced. All our training must be paying off.
In the afternoon we did some ‘corners’ work as a 4 by working on Slalom moves at The Brenin. But we couldn’t resist a few Ninja shots first!

Sunshine in North Wales? NEVER! it is better when it rains because you don’t get to over heat….and the hot chocolate afterwards tastes so much better!
Thanks Palm for the AMAZING new neoprene. Watch this space for a full review soon!!
And now…what you have been waiting for, we ask Miss Suzie Jackson one of the middle ‘engines’ on the team to answer some questions:
Suzie sits Middle Left or Right and paddles like a soldier! You should know that her chimp is called Lucy and she IS NOT TIRED!! (this is what Suze shouts when we are racing endurance – the affect is amazing – ZOOM!!)
So Suzie, you are one of 2 new members, what’s it been like so far?
It has been absolutely amazing. It has been hard work learning everything pretty much from scratch but the current girls in the team did such a good job at welcoming us newbies that I have enjoyed every minute so far!
Coming from a team sport such as rugby to rafting, what can that experience offer? Are there any similarities or is it completely different?
I played rugby for a few years at University which instilled a strong team work ethic in me, however up until I joined the team I was concentrating on triathlon. The dedication of time and effort that goes into training well for a triathlon has been good experience and prepared me (partly!) for the training regime required to be part of our rafting team.
Before joining the team had you had any previous white water experience?
Neither sports mentioned above prepared me for the white water element of rafting! I had to start from scratch on that one, luckily in my position (middle) I am not in charge on the lines we choose!
Phew, that’s a relief what is your most memorable rafting experience?
I think my most memorable rafting experience is the class 5 section of the Devils Streams in Czech Republic. It was the hardest section of river I had ever paddled, it was amazing, I absolutely loved it.
And what is your most memorable moment with the team?
This is a tough one, we have had quite few. I think mine is either Nezza doing a GB bikini run over a long row of rafts at the European Champs last year or on a more serious note the downriver race in that same competition. I was so proud of our performance and how much we had developed as a team. I was an emotional day for me!
What is the best and worst thing about being in an all girls team?
Best thing – It doesnt matter if you forget your shampoo (or in Bry’s case a towel!)
Worst thing – Getting into the bathroom!!
Awesome thanks Suzie!!
Next Month you will hear from another Middle person (there are 3 all together), Georgie Preston! And coming up in May we have our Training camp in the Alps!! BRING ON THE SUNSHINE! See you on the river – or hopefully we will be going so fast you will only see a blur…
Words Fran Kohn
Pics: Deb Cook
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