The ‘Pots Student Rodeo 2010!

posted by on 2010.02.16, under Whitewater

Saturday 6th February 2010 saw the return of the mighty Flowerpots Rodeo, brought back to life by the hard working, soap dodging, student population of Exeter.

Situated on the River Exe, at the Mill on the Exe Pub, the competition drew large crowds to watch, with general public and kayak groupies alike enjoying a cheeky pint whilst cheering on the action.

The competition kicked off at sunset, with high water making for a big and bouncy yet flushy hole. Several longer playboats were pulled out of the bag, proving more than capable of seeing off the shorter boats, with a few creekboat loops thrown down as well as some silky smooth cartwheel sequences.

Good representation was also given to the new skool as well with shelixes, pan ams, and other things too. A particularly brutal queen of the wave contest in the semi final saw a facial pummelling handed out  by a cartwheeling Outlaw in the hands of Matt Tidy

In the end Craig Ayres was crowned champion, after a hard fought final, and the competitors and spectators headed to the pub for beer and medals.

Team Palm  put in a good showing with Matt Tidy taking home the silver Medal, and myself claiming the biggest move title with a frankly enormous loop in a Dagger CFS kindly loaned by Exeter Uni Canoe Club.

A big shout out to Pete & Hugh & the Exeter uni crew, as well as Ewart from AS Watersports for laying down harsh tasty beats and incisive commentary

Bring on next year’s event, I’ll see you there!


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