Throw Bag Olympics

posted by on 2012.06.10, under Gear, Upcoming Events, Whitewater

Roll up, roll up, hear all about it, gold for NZ and Italy, double slivers for team GB at this years throw bag olympics.


Val Sesia River Festival, Campertogno.




  1. Start clipped onto your rescue harness and to a static line with everyone else.
  2. On the count of 3 run forwards to the line and, using an underarm throw, hit the Palm banner on the volley ball net
  3. Collect bag and onwards to the overarm throwing target, a lime Amp vest hanging from a tree.
  4. Once target hit, grab bag and forwards to the bowling arm station, thrown kneeing down behind the line and the target is the cockpit of a new Mamba.
  5. Giving 110% ran back to the starting line, take out 2 hand full’s of rope and again hit the target.
  6. With rope fully deployed, recoil using small bunny ears (totally mission critical), and throw again.
  7. Repack bag, bag upside down above head.

The Prizes:

Amp Vest, Luna Jacket, Palm safety slings, 18 & 12m throw bags and Palm t-shirts.

The Winners:

Sam (NZ) & Dan (GB) for the men, Frederica (I) and Lisa (GB) for the ladies.

The Serious Part.

With all that fun over (for now), there’s a serious part to this chaos. You need to practice throwing your line accurately, because when you need it, it’ll really matter. I would encourage you to get it right every time but also practice the recoiled throw.

Crazy Time Lapse Video.

Palm Throw Bag Olympics from Chris Eastabrook on Vimeo.

In Other News.

The whole Gene17 Val Sesia River festival was a complete hoot. Who doesn’t love bedrock granite? Who doesn’t like quality cheese, coffee and wine? Same time next year?

There’s another chance to win Palm goodies at the Sjoa River Festival, Norway.

Thanks to Richard Watson for the photos and time lapse.

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