Tyne Tour ’09
Although many would reel back in horror at the idea of spending a rainy November weekend camping in a field outside Newcastle, team Palm are made of tougher stuff. With a van full of warm clothes and a fleet of kayaks and Canoes, we headed to the historic town of Hexham for one of north England’s biggest paddling weekends.
Yours truly keeping it old skool, Warden Gorge.
Every Year the Tyne Tour attracts hundreds of kayakers from all over the UK, for two days of paddling and to enjoy the now legendary annual Ceilidh. Here are some pictures form the weekend, thanks to Paul Wilkinson.
![Several shops and manufacturers temaed up to make a mini retail village.](http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs092.snc3/15953_792262519379_197809970_48022961_8210554_n.jpg)
Several shops and manufacturers temaed up to make a mini retail village.
![Saturday nights Party and Ceilidh - Far more fun than you thought organised dancing could possibly be.](http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/cache/tynetour2009/IMG_9046.jpg_640.jpg)
Saturday night's Party and Ceilidh - Far more fun than you thought organised dancing could possibly be.
![The Demo fleet of Axioms were out having fun all weekend.](http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/cache/tynetour2009/IMG_9333.jpg_640.jpg)
The demo fleet of Axioms were out having fun all weekend.
![For many the rapids in Warden Gorge are the first taste of whitewater paddling.](http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/cache/tynetour2009/IMG_9448.jpg_640.jpg)
For many the rapids in Warden Gorge are the first taste of whitewater paddling.
![A good spot to enjoy some soulful surfing and watch the carnage unfold in the rapids above.](http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/cache/tynetour2009/IMG_9589.jpg_640.jpg)
A good spot to enjoy some soulful surfing and watch the carnage unfold in the rapids above.
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