I love this time of year. Lighter evenings mean you can get out for a cheeky after work mission.

18.02. Leaving home. Note the worries of the working day still etched clearly all over my mush.

18.10. Still catching the tail end of rush hour on the way to the river.

18.15. Not everything is roadside, you’ve got to earn your dinner.

18.20. Focusing on what’s important.

18.26. Annnnd relax. Notice how the worried visage has been replaced by a debonair, louche and carefree demeanour.
Now back home for tea and biscuits.
I enjoyed my after work adventure with Mark Hirst and Kalu Gurung at Reykirfoss, Svarta, Varmahilð, Iceland.
Where will you enjoy yours?

Dan Butler on the slidey combo drop, Rio Castro. Pic: Adam D.

Catching it on film. Tom Parker behind the camera as Chris Eastabrook whizzes past. Pic: Adam D.

Adam Dumolo dropping in. Rio Castro. Pic: Pete Firth.

Tom Parker running the ‘advisable to boof’ first drop of the famous triple combo on the Rio Castro. Pic: Adam D.

Here’s a bit of an update on my summer travels in Northern Norway…
Take it easy!

Tom, Rich and Teaunit, taken on a recent sojourn to Tajikistan…
Please send your answers on a postcard to Tim Trew at Palm Equipment. The winner will receive a packet of chocolate HobNobs. The judges’ decision is final – no correspondance, arguments or fights will be entered into.
I’ve just got back to Dushanbe after a few days cruising round the Fann Mountains in Western Tajikistan.
No pictures, as we’ve run out of coal for the computer, but for more gen and loads of pics, check out the trip blog -
Take it easy,
While Nick and Luke were hucking about in Val d’Aosta, Tom popped to Ticino to check his new school credentials were in order…

Pic: Sarah Nash.

This September, Palm Paddlers Chris Eastabrook and Tom Parker, along with Rich Brooks and Dave Hollin are heading off to Tajikistan in search of whitewater adventure (the original plan was Tibet, but the Chinese government wanted all the tea…) Follow their progress at shadowofsonomi.wordpress.com as they tackle some of the most remote rivers in the former USSR…
After years of driving past it, I finally got a chance to stroll up to the Roughburn, way north of the border in Scotland. Turns out the clue’s in the name…

Tom P gritting his teeth. Pic: Sarah Nash

Tom P, clearly about to suffer a big hit, as his ‘chin airbag’ has deployed… Rio Micos. Pic: Chris Eastabrook.
I went to Mexico recently, along with Chris Eastabrook and Pete Wood. It was smashing. Why more people don’t visit, I have no idea. For more stunning images and the lowdown, head to www.chargingarc.com
This October once again saw Plas-Y-Brenin play host to the BCU Student Safety Seminar, where Britains’ intellectual cream gather to gain tips and tricks on running a university canoe club from some of the best in the business. As you’d expect at such a valuable event, Palm were there with bells on (not literally, you understand, that would look ridiculous).
Saturday morning was largely based inside, but after lunch, everyone headed out for an extensive selection of workshops…

Open Boating for those who don’t Open Boat…

“And the rabbit goes round the tree…” Nick Horwood and Paul Smith delve into the dark art of ropework.
After the traditional tea and cake, everyone headed off to Q+A sessions, before reconvening in the evening to hear Luke Farrington’s account of the Kayaknam expedition (www.kayaknam.com), aided by ale.
On Sunday, everyone headed for the Tryweryn for a day of workshops, including Safety and Rescue, Personal Skills, Leadership and more.

Dave Hollins.

Safety. Not just a word…
I’ll leave you now with a few pics from the weekend. Many thanks to Tim for coming along and sorting out prizes for the impromptu Saturday night quiz and supporting the event!

What Happened Next? Answers on a postcard to Tim Trew, Palm Equipment. The best guess wins a packet of Custard Creams donated by tomparkercoaching.co.uk