Big turn out for Royal visitor

posted by on 2011.06.03, under Upcoming Events

We are part way through our first Canoe Village event of the year and word of our success  has spread, as yesterday we were visited by Royalty!

Arriving in style - our royal visitor

Whilst being shown around, the Countess of Wessex made a bee-line for the Canoe Village stand to see why it is one of the most popular features at the show and how the collabiration between manufacturers and govening bodies is helping to grow participation in the sport and enjoyment of the outdoors.

Meeting our on water organiser - Rob from Globe 360



She was amazed to learn how  we’d broken records for the fifth year runnning by getting over six hundred, mostly new, participants on the water on the first day alone , although a shoulder injury prevented her from taking to the water herself.  She also took time to look over the different types of boats taking a particularl shine to the Wilderness Tapon 120 Angler and of course the show stopping Mad River Duck Hunter.

The Tarpon 120 proved popular

The event continues today and tomorrow and the Canoe Village will then be moving onto the South of England Show next week and the the CLA Game Fair in July.

Que's forming for another record day?

And more on the water than ever before!

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