Scouting and Filming: The Mellte

posted by on 2011.02.08, under Whitewater

Hey all, I managed to escape for the day on Sunday for a quick mission to the beautiful Mellte in South Wales. The river was at a really fun level, and as well as the usual fun lines, we went for a scouting mission nearby.

The spectacular put on for the Mellte – Pic from Tom Layland

Finn Burrows and myself scouting a huck. My Stikine suit is now 3 years old and still going. Top piece of kit. – From Tom L

Here are a couple of video stills for the day, we started filming for a short movie project I’m working on, so watch this space.

Filming by the ever talented, though currently injured Finn ‘Magic Ankle’ Burrows.

Thanks to Tom Layland and Finn B for a most excellent day out.

Spring’s not far off now, keep it wholesome, and pray for rain.

Nick H


And thank you Nick, for being a hero and walking/jogging the shuttle…

Tom L ( February 11, 2011 at 2:53 pm )

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