posted by on 2013.09.20, under Whitewater

It is getting so close to The World Championships now and with only 4 training weekends left together in total we are going to make everyone count!! Our weekend in August was the bread to our Rafting Sandwich (sort – of!). We had a training weekend in North Wales Yippee!! Followed by a 14km race for 9Bar who sponsor us with yummy snacks for training (this weekend also included raft training around Port Meirion), then the 2nd rafting wedding of the year for Fran and Dave! But what a fab weekend we had in Wales! We had sunshine (occaisionally), good water (always at the Tryweryn) and amazing company (we do really like each other)!


Training weekend!!!!!

2013-08-24 11.48.27

Part of our Rafting Sandwich!


Check out the Raft Paddle Cupcakes!!!

Our personal training has been strength based and Raft specific and it is really paying off. We had a slalom focused day on the Saturday and making all the big powerful moves felt amazing!!! It left us pretty knackered in the afternoon though. We had a 3rd Flat water session planned but decided against it …shhhh don’t tell Coach Dave!! We did some long 16 gate slalom runs and also some split sprints breaking out part way down the Upper Tryweryn. We did our very best not to run people over, but they often looked quite confused when they realised we didn’t just want to go straight, we wanted to dance our raft around the poles!!


Raft Slalom; trying to make a rubber bus look elegant!


Going for the up gate!

After all the water time it was a good thing Deb had hooked us up with Pizza at CFC (Stands for Conwy Falls Cafe -aka the Best Cafe in North Wales!!) we over ordered, over ate, and felt very happy as we all trundled off to bed at Raft HQ North Wales – Deb’s home.

We had thought we would ease in to training on the Sunday morning but, seeing as Nezzas car battery ran down over night, we ended up pushing the car around to do a jump start. Thanks Nez – she is just so keen for us to be the best we can be and she is always thinking up new ways for us to train!


Nezza definitely planned this, and Deb must have been in on it because she landed the easy job! :)


Bry and Suzie give moral support :)

On the river on Sunday we did some endurance runs and we once again did sprints, but proper ones this time, without stopping. Poor Rosie wasn’t feeling too well so Fran had to sit in her place. This is a real issue that we (and all the oher teams competing) may have to deal with during a race or event. That is why there are 7 of us to give us the flexibility should something like that happen, but it is a horrible thought, and one we don’t like to think about. We all train so hard in the positions we are in and the sides we are on that our bodies are effectively moulded to our seats. Literally, I think we are all a bit lopsided!! So, our tactic for the Worlds? Deal with whatever happens but above all don’t get ill and don’t hurt yourself!



Guns blazing!! They didn’t know it but we were racing them…we won :)

We had an awesome and strong weekend in North Wales. Thanks Canolfan Tryweryn for being so supportive of your National teams. Bring on New Zealand!!

As a team we will be self funding ourselves to New Zealand. If you would like to help support and sponsor us getting out there please contact us on facebook.


We can’t wait to see what the rivers have in store for us in NZ!

So we totally forgot about the interview last time!! OOOPS! But carrying on where we left off in the raft it is time for us to interview middle left paddler Fran!


You are one of the ‘newer’ members of this team, how did you get into rafting and raft racing? Well I moved to North Wales to be nearer to all the rivers for Kayaking and as a way of earning a bit of extra dosh I trained up and became a raft Guide at the Tryweryn. Here I joined the lovely Welsh Dragons with whom I got my first taste of Raft Racing and I was hooked. I then got a chance to try out with the GB girls, got a place and that was it. I’m a raft racing addict and there ain’t no cure :) It has brought together so many of the awesome elements of Kayaking with the added bonus of sharing the experience with some gorgeous and amazing ladies!!!

You have been on loads of travels with your kayak…where is the best destination you have been to? Without a doubt Chile. I have done 2 long seasons out there and it has everything. AMAZING white water – the best water falls in the world, gorgeous and friendly people, and they LOVE a good steak :) I just wish it wasn’t so far away! Colombia is also pretty amazing, definitely want to go back there, and Nepal, that was gorgeous too and very reasonably priced :)…d’oh so many places to go and not enough time!!

It has been decided that when Bryony hands over Captaincy after New Zealand you will be taking that role on, how are you feeling about this? To be honest all my thoughts are going into the World Championships at the moment! I just know that Bry has done such an amazing job I just hope to be somewhere near as competent and level headed as she has been. It has got to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world having to take 7 womens opinions into account for every descion! Prime minister eat your heart out! But I do love organising things and no-doubt my filofax will start overflowing.
Most memorable rafting experience? Going down the flume through the Dam just above Devil’s Steams in Lipno during the European Championships!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Most memorable moment with the team? Competing in the Europeans last year in the Czech Republic during our Endurance race and loving EVERY painful minute of it. I have an abiding memory of Deb shouting quite near to the finish line “come on you BEAUTIFUL ladies!!” always being surrounded by these amazing positive girls is the best ever!

Best/worst thing about being in an all girls team? Best is the sleepovers!! Hah! always having 6 other girls to give you a pick me up if you are struggling. Worst is trying to time the feeding times so we don’t all get hangry :)

Thanks Fran!

Photos by Rosie Cripps, Alan Tucker and Ken Oliver.

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