All welcome at TVF Birthday Rodeo this weekend.

posted by on 2011.04.05, under Whitewater

This coming weekend, Cardiff International White Water are hosting the 4th Thames Valley Freestylers’ (TVF) Birthday Bash. Here’s an open invite to all who would like to come along and enjoy a day of fun freestyle rodeo events. Event organiser, Scout, said;

“It’s all supposed to be not-to-serious, have-a-go, biggest smile wins type events. All skill levels and abilities are welcome to enter the event as long as you’re happy to paddle the course on 8 cumecs.”

Everyone will be judged on their own levels, so even if your idea of freestyle is a big pop-out, make it the best, biggest pop out and you could still win a prize! Judges will accept bribes in most forms, but generally making them laugh will score the most points, and cheers from the crowd automatically doubles any points!

Palm BoaterX

We’re running a Palm BoaterX as part of the event. It’s a tricky course to sprint down, especially with three other paddlers vying for elbow space in the narrow channels. Carnage seems inevitable, make sure you practice your lines in the morning for the best chance of scooping the best prizes!

Exclusive on the water slots

CIWW are keeping the pumps running until 7 o’clock so we’ll have some exclusive time on the course for the finals of the Freestyle, Palm BoaterX and of course the carnage of the King of the Wave comp.

Cost is just your normal £10 for park and play session, then all you need do is register on the day, with someone who looks vaguely like they know what they’re organising.

Sound good? See you there!

More information on the TVF website or CIWW.

Thames Valley Freestylers Birthday

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