Tyne Tour 2012

posted by on 2012.11.06, under Whitewater

As winter draws in, kayakers from across the UK gather in the North East on the banks of the River Tyne to dance, socialise and paddle.
And with so many kayakers in one place, Rowie & I took a load of demo boats and examples of shinny new Palm kit to show off!

The event has a simple and effective format.
Friday, friends arrive in drips and drabs from far flung parts of England, Scotland & Wales and arrive in the pub to catch up.

Saturday, paddle the Tyne Gorge.  With over 800 paddlers spread across the length of the river, you are constantly bumping into friendly faces and looking out for each other.  Great fun.  With the Palm/Dagger stand at the take out to the river, which is also the campsite, we were on hand all afternoon to chat about the new Stikine and Torrent drysuits and FX PFDs.  The stand hosted stubbies and stories in the early evening, giving people the opportunity to share their expedition stories, hear some of ours and plan their next.

The Stand at 8am

Later, it’s the party.  After warming up and having some food it’s off to the local sports hall.  The Ceilidh band lead the evenings activities in song and dance.  With each tune, the steps are explained and away you go.

Sunday, the aftermath.  The combination of a second night of cold camping and too much drinking gives a slow start to sunday morning. Some people head for another lap of the Tyne, others off to the steeper River Tess and the rest hang out in the field moaning about the cold, drinking tea and such.


Thanks to the organisers for a great event and Hexham town for the fireworks and hosting us!

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