Youth Freestyle, Nottingham

posted by on 2008.11.07, under Whitewater

Palm Equipment/Dagger Europe have been major sponsors of the Youth Freestyle series over the last couple of years and have provided a huge number of prizes at each event. The final of the 2008 series was recently held in some unexpected, but more than welcome, October sunshine at Holme Pierrepont. It was unfortunate that the original event was postponed due to a flooded course as there were well over 100 entrants due to enter and not all could re-arrange to the new date. However, a good turnout of 75+ youngsters took to the course for a morning of coaching and an afternoon of competition. 

Thankfully there were a number of features to use on the course allowing a variety of coaching to take place for all abilities – from those who were learning to tail-squirt and perfect their roll, to those who were working on space godzillas and figuring out which moves to put into their competition rides. 

The competition in the afternoon was held on the Muncher and the Inlet gate (one ride on each). For the less confident paddlers and novices there was one ride on the eddyline at the bottom of the course and one on the Inlet gate which had been turned down especially to allow for easy exit off the wave. The crowd-pleasing moves here were big pop-outs which scored extra points if combined with a paddle-throwing manouevre – especially if followed by a swim! As always it was great to see the enthusiasm of all the competitors supporting and cheering each other on. 

The crowds started gathering for the biggest event of the day: the parent/child competition. The organisers cruelly cranked the Inlet gate right up so it was extremely tricky to get out of. Not to be outdone by the youngsters, the paddling parents all put on a brave face though and side-surfs, powerflips and swims were greeted with big cheers from the spectators. 

  A brave Dad! 

Big cheers from the crowd! 

Showing how it’s done: one of the ‘sons’ looping 

As this was the final event of the series those that took the top 3 positions over the whole series all went home with a nice glass trophy for the mantlepiece! Full results can be found on

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