Test the Dagger Jitsu at the Rivers Source this weekend

Katya after her first session in the small Prototype

This Friday, Saturday & Sunday, we’ll have all three sizes of the Jitsu prototypes available to try at the Rivers Source event on the Dart.

Here is a little unedited selection of clips from Katya in the Small (Green) and me in the Medium (Blue) Prototype at a few UK playspots:

and a bit more on the boat:

Both of us have been loving using the boats and they seem to go down great with everyone trying them, so heres your chance to have a play in one this weekend.

Also myself & Katya are running freestyle clinics to learn the skills to go with the boat too which you can book onto at: http://gene17.com/riverssource/

see you there,



Valsesia River Festival: Palm’s Video Wrap Up

Here’s the Video wrap up from the past days competitions in Italy!

Featuring the Egua River Freeride & Downhill Sprint, and the first ever Sweet Rumble outside of Norway!

And here’s probably the move of the day, from Team Palm’s Nick Horwood.

Nick Horwood

